1. Form a community and connect with them:
The community is everything in the digital world, without a community, it is impossible to advance or succeed in digital platforms. Building a community is more than followers, having a community is the most powerful marketing tool you can have. It is not only about where you want to go, but it is also about the people who consume your content frequently because we know that the support of a community is what makes a brand grow and advance, but in what way does this brand benefit their community?
Forming a community and connecting with the people who make it up is a two-way street, it is about giving and receiving. As you offer your content, services, and more, they deliver their endorsement, support, and loyalty.
2. Content and values:
Your content is probably not of interest to everyone, but to a group of people who enjoy it and that is where your focus should be. Today the demand for content in digital media is very high, but there is also a great demand for excellence. So everything you do and offer must be excellent. Your values and what you transmit connect with people, that is the reason why your content must be real and genuine. If you have a personal brand, your essence is the most important thing to convey, what connects you with people normally? That should be your focus.
On the other hand, if you own a brand and offer services or a product, you should consider creating good content for people who already consume your product, and at the same time creating content that leads people who are not yet part of your community, in order for them to connect with your brand. Everything we transmit is important, and everything communicates who we are as people or as a brand, that is why we must pay attention to the designs, photographs, colors, fonts, and details that are at a glance.
3. Consistency:
Because there is such a great variety of content to consume on digital platforms, we must be very consistent in what we use to communicate or promote our brand. For example, if you have chosen Instagram as one of your platforms, you need to share planned and organic content) every day, because if you stop posting for 3 days or more, your audience will immediately find something else to replace your space.
4. Feedback:
The best connection to your community is this. Answering messages, emails, entering chat rooms, calls, or conversational forums with your community, will allow you to establish an emotional and real connection with them, so you can know what they like and what they don't like, what they want to see in your platforms or the type of content they need. Communicating with your audience will serve as a guide and inspiration to create relevant content for them and strengthen their loyalty to your brand. The best result that feedback gives is the loyalty of your community, where you go, they will also go.
There are many other important aspects that we must take into account to succeed in the digital world, but I hope that those mentioned will be of great help to you from now on to take firm steps and achieve what you want to achieve through digital platforms.